Zero to Hero: 2020 SEO Blueprint That Exposes The Secrets

Learn my exact SEO techniques and know the secrets to take any website to top of SERP’s in under 12 months.
This 2020 SEO Blueprint will show you how to go from Zero to Hero by learning the latest search engine optimization techniques that I used to rank #1 for SEO Consultant in London, UK. You may check out my ranks on Google before taking this SEO Blueprint.
Now if you did check the ranks on Google, it’s time for you to take this SEO Blueprint and learn the SEO secrets that I exposed during an underground SEO talk that I gave at the Clarity with Commerce event. I have also included the PowerPoint slides with my talk, so that you can watch the presentation and go through each slide to know the most effective SEO skills to rank on search engines at WILL.
A website’s position on Google, Bing First page are vital for the success of any online business. Even if you are a Local business owner, you can take this SEO blueprint and learn the most important SEO methods and apply it for your campaigns. By knowing these secrets you can even question your SEO consultant or Agency to see if they know what’s right for your business.
You may keep in mind that 95% of search engine traffic goes to the first page and more than 30% of traffic goes to top result.
This SEO Blueprint has several sections and you will get a clear idea of the content when you see how I explain each area. If you are just stepping into the SEO industry and want to become a consultant, this will not only give you a clear idea of how to do it, but will also give you the motivation to succeed. And if you are the local business owner, you will learn valuable information on what areas you should focus on and how to get ROI for your digital marketing investments with SEO professionals.
Exactly How I Went From Zero To 1 Million Plus As An SEO Consultant And Still Get Paid To Do What I Enjoy!
That was a little story and you hear some nuggets. In the SEO blueprint you will learn it all in detail. You will see exactly how to start a website, build it yourself on WordPress, apply on page SEO and get the maximum love from Google. Then how to do the most vital off site SEO get the website take off and rank higher up on Google!
What will be covered in this SEO Blueprint:
- My story in SEO – How and why I got started in SEO niche
- How you can become an SEO consultant or apply it for your business website
- Why SEO is important and how you can profit from the skills
- The SEO secrets – What works and how to use the techniques
- How to go from freelance SEO consultant to SEO agency owner – I’ve done it
- Achieving Laptop lifestyle as an SEO consultant, and agency owner or a local Business owner who knows how SEO works and automation
Below is short talk that will give you an idea about my SEO story….
Now you got an idea, so if you are willing to take action and learn the SEO secrets to rank any website at WILL, get the SEO blueprint and learn all the step by step skills. See below to know what will be covered in detail.
So if you want to know it all then learn from the best SEO Expert, go register for the SEO Secrets Webinar where I reveal the SEO Blueprint for 2019 & Beyond.