PPC Marketing Company – Best PPC Agency in the UK

What if I told you that I would double your money in 3 months? No, not the lottery types. I have a legit plan. An actionable plan. But I won’t tell you what is. Just give me your money, and I promise to give you twice the amount in 3 months.

Will you do it?

No, right? You cannot invest in something without knowing the plan. Then how can you trust a PPC marketing company that doesn’t tell you the strategy?

PPC campaigns are tough to run on your own. (You’ll soon understand how I know this). And hiring a PPC management agency to run ads on Google seems like the only logical step.

But when you select a random agency, you are practically signing up for being scammed.

How PPC Marketing Companies Dupe Simpletons, Like Yourself?

Most PPC agencies won’t tell you their plan of action for YOUR campaign. They just make claims. Bold claims. Too much audacity, I must say. But they have nothing to back it up. You don’t get access to your Adwords account.  They don’t tell you what settings have been utilized.

They won’t give you the details about how much the budget is spent. You’ll never know where your ads are running.

How To Not Get Tricked By Jargon-Using Tricksters?

Ask questions. About everything. Make sure you know what is happening. Didn’t understand a term? Call them and ask them. Couldn’t figure if a particular ratio is good or bad as per industry standards? Ask your PPC consultant.

Not sure which setting was tweaked? Ask questions. And keep asking until you know everything you need to.

Won’t that pester your consultant? No. It shouldn’t bother anyone. If your consultant is indeed working in your best interest, there is no reason to hide the details.

PPC Marketing Company in the UK (1)

How Do I Know All This? Who Am I To Tell What To Do?

My name is Fernando Raymond. And I run a digital marketing agency in the UK. And my company ClickDoTM Ltd. also has a PPC management wing. (Yes, that is how I know managing PPC campaigns isn’t the easiest of tasks.) Before you classify me as a cheat, fraud, and money-making rouge, hear me out.

If I wanted to rob you of your money from behind the facade of running your PPC campaigns, I wouldn’t have told you what questions to ask in the first place.

If you hire me, those questions will be directed at me too, right? Well, I am up for it.

And even before you feel the need to ask me any of those questions, Dinesh Kumar VM, the head of our PPC management team would have answered them for you. I have known Dinesh long enough to say this about him – I have not known a man who believes more in transparency than him.

Our clients have told me that they learned more about PPC campaigns while working with Dinesh than they learned in the pricey crash courses they took.

And today, I give you the opportunity to not just drive more traffic and conversions through the PPC campaigns that we handle for you. But to learn and get involved in the process with Dinesh and his team keeping you posted about everything. Click here to fill a quick form, and we’ll get in touch with you at the earliest to discuss our future association.

Fernando-PPC Marketing Expert

PPC Marketing at ClickDo – What Exactly Do We Do?

The small ads that you see on the top of the Google search results when you search for something are paid ads. And we run those ads for your business. Those ads show up for relevant search queries and bring prospective clients to your business. You pay nothing for displaying those ads. Only when the ads are clicked, you need to pay for them.

And we, at ClickDo, create engaging ad copies, ensure proper ad placement and keep track of conversions. All this while carrying out constant tests to better optimize the campaign

PPC Marketing at clickDo

How Do I Trust ClickDo?

Ronald Reagan once said, “Trust, but verify.”

And I firmly believe in that statement. That’s why I will not ask you to take my word for trusting ClickDo. But what I will do is give you two reasons that verify my claims that ClickDo is different.


1.   We Have a History of Yielding Tangible Results.

Each PPC campaign at ClickDo is documented as a case study. This helps us keep in mind what works and how, and gives you an opportunity to see how we have performed in the past.

One particular campaign that I can think of right now was for a jewelry store’s website. We drove almost a thousand visitors to the client’s website through Google Ads. And their total ad spend? £452. That makes the cost of acquisition of each visitor on the website a mere £0.46.

2.   We tell you everything. Each and everything that you deserve to know.

It is your business. Your PPC campaign. And you need to know. Everything. We send you monthly reports. (Not filled with jargon but in a language that you will be able to understand). And we keep you posted about every little detail. Plus, we have a Google Adwords hotline too. You can dial 020 8638 5857 to contact us about any doubts that you have. Or you can email Dinesh at  dinesh@clickdo.co.uk. He’ll be the one looking after your campaign, and he’s the man who is answerable to you. (P.S. – He replies real quick. Don’t hesitate in shooting your mails.)

PPC Marketing

How To Get Started with ClickDo?

I have been honest with you till now. And I will tell you one more thing before I tell you what to do next. At ClickDo, we believe in growing together. We associate your business’s growth with ours. And since 2013, when I started ClickDo, I have grown a little with each client I worked for.

While I am ready to give my best to you, I need something from you too. Proactive involvement. I need you to be actively involved in your PPC campaign management. We will undoubtedly do the heavy lifting for you, but we do appreciate occasional questions and constant communication.

If you are ready to give us that, click here to fill a form and we can work out a plan to run a successful PPC ad campaign for your business.