internet marketing strategies and trends

Internet Marketing: Strategies and Trends in 2024

Digital marketing is transforming along with technological advances and changes in consumer behaviour. Automation, artificial intelligence, video, micro-influencers and podcasts are the highlights. TikTok and personalisation are redefining strategies, while inclusive communication and online communities are becoming increasingly important.

The digital marketing environment is undergoing an unprecedented transformation, driven by significant changes in consumer behaviour and technological advances, both on sites – shopping and entertainment, such as online casino sites like no verification casinos.

In 2024, we are witnessing a revolution in the consumer market, where companies and professionals are striving to adapt to this new reality in order to keep their brands attractive and relevant.

In this context, technology plays a crucial role. Features such as automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming fundamental to the effectiveness of digital marketing. The ability to analyse data is also on the rise, which becomes important for marketing and sales departments to act accurately and efficiently.

In addition, it is important to stay on top of social trends and emerging innovations. Following these trends and using innovative technologies as allies are important strategies for the success of modern marketing. In this context, we take a look at the top 10 digital marketing trends for 2024, highlighting how companies can adapt and stand out in this ever-changing environment.

Top 2024 Internet Marketing Strategies and Trends

Video Content

Video Content

Research has shown that the majority prefer to consume content in video format: in the first half of 2024, video content will be available in 99.2% of homes. Marketing professionals are investing heavily in this format, especially short videos, which is a growing digital trend.

Not only are videos popular among consumers, but they also have a significant impact on purchase decisions. They can positively impact brand perception and increase conversion rates. It is very important to create high-quality videos with relevant content to captivate your target audience.

Companies all over the world are successfully using videos in their marketing strategies. Statistics show that companies that use video grow on average 49% faster than those that don’t. In addition, 64% of consumers say they are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.

For companies looking to start investing in video, it’s important to know your target audience and define clear goals for videos. Using the appropriate platforms to distribute content is also important to reach as many people as possible and generate positive results.


The current trend is to prioritise partnerships with micro-influencers over large digital influencers. This change aims to capitalise on the public’s identification with people who are more authentic and close to everyday reality, leading to greater engagement and loyalty.

The success of this strategy is evident in many brands that have achieved significant results by working with micro-influencers that align with their values. The accessibility provided by social media and the internet has made it easier to engage with these influencers, increasing opportunities for brands.

To succeed with this approach, it is important to ensure that partnerships are authentic and seek out influencers who truly identify with the brand and its values. Conducting detailed research, establishing effective communication and monitoring results are important steps towards realising the benefits of this strategy.

Podcast Marketing

Podcast Marketing

42% of internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 listen to podcasts on a weekly basis. The success of this format is in line with the trend of video consumption: videocasts are part of the growth strategy of 7% of respondents in the survey. Despite the significant growth, the format still has room to grow, with 1/4 of the world’s population predicted to consume podcasts by the end of 2024.

Companies are using this growth to communicate directly and in a personalised way with their audience, creating their own podcasts and sharing relevant content related to their products and services. Podcasts have also proven effective in creating engaged communities, building customer loyalty and increasing brand influence.

For companies interested in investing in this format, it’s important to identify a clear target audience, create quality content, promote releases effectively, and track results to adjust strategy as needed.


TikTok has revolutionised video content creation and has become a global phenomenon. With a strong trend towards short videos, the platform quickly gained a huge user base. In 2022, TikTok was the most downloaded app in the world, retaining this title in 2021 with an impressive number of downloads.

As of early 2024, TikTok has reached 3.5 billion downloads since its launch in 2016, with 90 per cent of users accessing it daily. Key trends on the platform include creating fun content, using Influencers to increase visibility, paid advertising, live streaming and participating in trends.

TikTok has surpassed other major social media platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp and will remain a strong digital marketing trend in 2024. Brands are creatively using TikTok to promote their products and services, creating engaging and authentic campaigns.

TikTok’s impact on culture and society, especially among young people, is significant, influencing trends and memes that spread to other platforms. To succeed on TikTok, brands need to follow the platform’s policies and guidelines, ensuring their campaigns are transparent and authentic.

Personalisation and the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Personalisation and the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Data and information are becoming increasingly valuable not only for engaging potential customers, but also for providing consumers with a differentiated experience that exceeds their expectations. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) enables personalisation of this experience by identifying individual user preferences and increasing engagement on company websites, apps and social media.

According to IBM, by 2024, 32 per cent of brands plan to use AI to better understand customer opinions and sentiment, which could lead to a 50 per cent increase in sales.

This means that artificial intelligence will be present at every customer touchpoint, providing a more personalised interaction. Automation and omnichannel are also key to delivering a truly personalised service, providing clearer communication and individual customer recognition.

An interesting trend is the use of voice assistants, providing an even more personalised digital experience. According to consultancy Ilumeo, 48 per cent of respondents use these tools at least once a week.

However, it’s important to remember that consumers want to be treated as human beings and have their individual needs recognised and met. According to McLinsey, generative AI (GenAI), like ChatGPT, is growing rapidly: 40 per cent of respondents plan to increase their AI investments due to advances in GenAI.

AI can be implemented in various areas of a company, including sales, marketing, product development, services and operations, through tools such as chatbots, business intelligence, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, data creation and data security.

Using artificial intelligence tools to offer a more positive experience that meets the needs of each consumer can be your company’s competitive advantage not only in 2024, but also in the future.


Diversity is an important topic in the labour market as companies are realising the importance of diverse teams to achieve better results in marketing their products and services. Metrics have been adopted to monitor diversity in the workforce not only in recruitment but also in the marketing department, where plurality is necessary for people to identify with a brand or solution.

In addition to profile diversity, digital accessibility is also an important point to consider in 2024. To serve a wider audience, it is crucial to ensure that digital content is accessible to all, taking into account different conditions such as visual and hearing impairments, dyslexia and epilepsy.

Companies that value inclusivity and diversity in marketing can reap benefits such as increased brand awareness, sustainable growth, and fostering innovation as they bring unique perspectives and diverse experiences to the company. These practices not only promote diversity, but also contribute to long-term success and brand reputation.

Moreover, diversity and inclusion are fundamental not only to companies, but to society as a whole. By promoting representation on their teams, companies contribute to a fairer and more equitable social environment.

Examples of companies that have implemented successful inclusion and diversity strategies in their marketing departments, showing tangible results in terms of customer engagement, innovation and business growth, are inspiring and demonstrate the positive impact these practices can have.

Humanised Content

Humanised Content

The production of humanised content in digital environments is expected to continue to grow in 2024, reflecting organisations’ desire for more authentic and spontaneous dialogue aimed at identifying more deeply with their target audiences.

Recent research shows that the goal is to create original, authentic and creative content wit h greater potential to highlight and spread a brand’s message, aiming to connect with customers on a more personal level.

Humanised content are powerful tools for connecting and building genuine relationships with consumers. If well designed, they create a sense of interaction with real people, inspiring trust.

To effectively apply humanisation, it is recommended to follow a ‘step-by-step’ process that includes telling stories to make an emotional connection, using human and accessible language and presenting the brand’s unique personality when communicating with audiences.

Examples of companies that are making a name for themselves by implementing human-centred content strategies include Airbnb, which uses real users’ travel stories to create emotional connections, and Dove, which promotes the acceptance of natural beauty through inclusive campaigns.

Moreover, empathy and active listening play a key role in creating this content, allowing brands to truly connect with their customers by understanding their needs and concerns.

It’s also important to measure the results of these strategies to ensure they are effective and make adjustments as needed. As consumers become more demanding, the search for more human-centred companies tends to increase. The understanding of ‘simplicity’ is also on the rise, reflecting the importance of a more authentic approach that is closer to society in all contexts.

Building Communities

Continuing the previous theme of online communities, it’s interesting to note how these groups bring together people with common interests, providing a unique opportunity to engage with your customers in an engaging and authentic way.

According to HubSpot research, having an active online community is critical to success in 2023, as one in five social media users have joined or participated in an online community in the past few months.

By creating a community, you can attract leads and sales, promote your products and services, and engage with members interested in your solutions. You can also create a sense of belonging, connect customers and consumers to your brand in surprising ways, and improve customer service by collecting feedback and solving reported problems.

Examples of brands that have had success in creating and managing online communities include Sephora, which created a ‘Beauty Insider Community’ to bring makeup and skincare enthusiasts together, and LEGO Ideas, which allows LEGO fans to share and vote on ideas for new sets.

These examples emphasise the importance of offering unique and relevant content to community members, encouraging participation and interaction.

It is important to monitor and moderate the community to ensure a healthy and positive environment for all members. Frequent interaction with the community and quick responses to community needs and concerns are essential to maintaining engagement and interest over time.

Inclusive Communication

Inclusive Communication

Inclusive communication is becoming a growing trend in digital marketing. The world is diverse and people are looking for brands that reflect their experiences. However, research by Big Data Corp found that in 2022, only 0.46% of websites were considered inclusive. In addition, less than 10% of adverts portray people aged 65 and over.

Interestingly, 71% of people expect brands to promote inclusivity and diversity in their online marketing. Thus, companies that value inclusivity and diversity stand out in the marketplace by being able to connect with more customers and build stronger relationships.

An inspiring example is Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ campaign, which challenged traditional beauty standards and promoted the idea of self-acceptance and inclusivity.

These companies are more likely to succeed in their marketing initiatives because their campaigns not only address inclusive and universal themes, but also make an emotional connection with their audience. Moreover, they take an inclusive approach not only in their communication, but also in their entire business strategy, including hiring policies, workplace diversity and social responsibility.

This communication approach shows that companies genuinely care about people, which enhances their reputation in the marketplace and leads to better results. In short, inclusive communication is a ‘win-win’ marketing trend that benefits both brands and consumers.

AI in Data Processing

Another interesting application of AI in marketing is the use of chatbots to improve the customer experience. AI-powered chatbots can answer customer questions quickly and accurately, improving user experience and business performance.

A practical example of this application is the case of Luiza magazine, which implemented a chatbot on its website and social media channels to help customers search for products, order information, and solve other common questions.

By doing so, the company was able to significantly improve the customer experience, reducing waiting times and increasing satisfaction.

These examples show how artificial intelligence is changing digital marketing and how companies can use this technology to stand out in an increasingly competitive market.


In this article, we’ve given you the top 10 best and most interesting strategic trends in digital marketing in 2024.

In order for your business to thrive – in this day and age, it’s almost imperative to utilise the available arsenal of marketing tactics by knowing and understanding the trends and general mood of users on the World Wide Web. Use it – and you will definitely appreciate the results. Thank you for your attention.

Author Profile

Dinesh Kumar VM
Senior SEO Consultant and Blogger Outreach Expert at ClickDo Ltd. Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business through Google Ads, Facebook Ads & Remarketing. Author in many premium UK blogs.