Guest Posting Networks – UK Premium Blogging Network For SEO
Are you looking to contribute a guest post on premium guest posting networks to publish your blog posts as a guest blogger or author for SEO? – Then you have found the right place!
At ClickDo Digital Press Association we work with thousands of UK website owners as the leading provider of guest posting services and PR in the United Kingdom.
We’ve been doing SEO for over half a decade now and grown our network of premium blogs to over 800 authentic websites. They are designed to make your guest contribution, sponsored post or success story stand out, managed by a high-class editorial team that only publishes high-quality content and marketed by our expert digital marketing team.
We work with over 350 UK business owners for their local SEO services and manage their blogs for blogging and content marketing. So, we have access to superb blogs in many industries, which you can have your relevant and well-written content published on to increase your exposure, search engine ranks and brand awareness.
We will provide the best guidance to get the best ROI on your content marketing. And we must say that it’s not the quantity, but the quality of the guest blog post that receives the benefits of guest posting. With our extensive expertise in digital PR & guest blogging we can advice you on where to best publish your content, which format to choose to get the best results and how and where to share it.
How to make the most of guest posting and achieving a ranking boost or sales increase?
You must be aware of the factors that Google takes into account when ranking a website on the first page of their search engines. To better understand how our press service can help your business grow online you can learn vital SEO skills online.
How to guest post on blogs?
Learn how to get guest blogging for SEO benefits right and how the SEO experts at ClickDo do it when providing SEO services for ClickDo clients and guest posting websites.
We have an extensive list of premium blogs and below you can see some of our blogs that are part of our guest posting network. Here you can be featured as a guest author or blogger with a guest article, as a business with a press release, a sponsored post or a news story and all will be shared on social media as well.
WEBSITE | IP Address | Link Type | Post Type |
www. Liver****** | 158.23.3.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.senio****** | 23.246.252.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.chris***** | 143.95.##.51 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.tmlocksm********* | | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.icgnutr**** | 188.165.138.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.leat***** | 144.217.###.18 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.ap***** | 198.100.157.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.phoe**** | 188.165.138.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.fiutr**** | 65.75.135.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.inclusio****** | 149.##.134.249 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.chri***** | 143.95.32.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.highgatecli******* | 158.85.##.134 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.**** | 178.33.51.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |****** | 217.182.6.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.premi***** | 142.4.205.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |****** | 176.##.80.4 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.halfw****.com | 65.75.###.247 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.a-ru*** | 85.92.##.120 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.wrenthorpehy***** | 119.##.182.86 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.margotra****** | 198.50.158.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.stk**** | 65.##.135.247 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.napervi***** | 217.182.0.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.lo***** | 198.100.###.176 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.spear***** | 144.217.107.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.gre***** | 188.165.137.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |******* | 158.69.2.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.dollypar***** | 144.217.193.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.asto**** | 192.99.27.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.oldm***** | 144.217.158.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |*** | 144.217.139.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.waters****** | 192.##.182.84 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.twotri**** | 192.99.##.134 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.e*** | 66.70.224.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.ferryin******* | 144.###.206.128 | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 65.75.152.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.d**** | 158.85.##.154 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.gover***** | 198.50.163.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.arc***** | 119.81.52.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |******** | 167.114.32.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.har**** | 144.217.51.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.worthing***** | 65.##.142.77 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.spor***** | 149.##.141.152 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.byro***** | 5.153.##.77 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.ea**** | 143.95.2.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |*** | 119.##.165.18 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.lo*** | 158.85.166.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.s-c-a*****.com | 169.55.###.195 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.sixna**** | 65.75.140.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.pepsiipl201***** | 37.58.##.192 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.maid-se**** | 169.55.152.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.1st-web***** | 144.217.32.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.meg******* | 142.4.222.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.spanis***** | 66.##.224.30 | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 66.70.220.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |****** | 149.56.123.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.bod****** | 23.246.252.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.op*** | 198.##.163.68 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.result***** | 50.97.240.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 198.23.##.147 | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 51.255.##.115 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.myluckyl****** | 158.85.170.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.stchrist**** | 142.4.205.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.gui****** | 217.###.5.118 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.wate**** | 172.217.10.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.ros**** | 217.182.5.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.furni**** | 158.85.###.162 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.7ev*** | 64.247.###.218 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.buf**** | 173.237.136.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.bu**** | 5.10.76.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 119.81.20.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.*** | 143.95.82.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.treean****** | 174.136.##.79 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.***** | 66.70.###.183 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.treatingdep**** | 5.153.##.76 | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 65.75.135.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.b**** | 192.99.##.133 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.linke**** | 192.99.141.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 143.##.1.142 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.m*** | 174.136.13.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.acc*** | 81.##.189.138 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.wea**** | 198.50.163.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 198.100.157.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.bests***** | 144.217.212.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.whyna**** | 66.70.220.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.he**** | 143.95.##.74 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.unti**** | 174.136.13.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.insi**** | 129.121.38.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.internet-h** | 198.11.204.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.web-desi*** | 66.70.224.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.diari****** | 168.1.77.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.wind******** | 144.217.153.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.muriell******.com | | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.leeds***** | 192.95.##.155 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.ins***** | 149.47.###.151 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.pit***** | 37.58.##.37 | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 217.###.5.19 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.funphot****** | 217.###.6.84 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.simon**** | 198.100.###.70 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.stuffr**** | 149.56.##.21 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.kingfish***** | 144.217.##.126 | Do-Follow | Permanent |***** | 65.75.139.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.notti******** | 192.99.141.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.lorde****** | 5.153.##.198 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.ring********* | 158.##.7.130 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.rob****** | 65.75.139.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.t*** | 217.###.5.74 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.aboyg**** | 143.95.32.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.da**** | 65.75.###.247 | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 158.85.170.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.theri**** | 81.19.186.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | 144.217.153.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.chichest****** | 119.81.165.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.talks**** | 198.100.157.## | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.scre***** | 143.95.##.119 | Do-Follow | Permanent |
www.newat******* | 174.136.13.### | Do-Follow | Permanent |**** | | Do-Follow | Permanent |
Check our successful UK business blog, where you can become an author and regularly blog under your name or representing your business brand or on behalf of your clients. Many business owners and SEO agencies are utilizing our blogs to build their brand names online and get the desired attention for their brands.
Get in touch with us or email Dinesh and Manuela to talk about guest blogging on our premium network of blogs that is managed by our ClickDo Digital Press Association – we will guide and support you all the way.