How to Brainstorm the right Logo for your Business?

By Ryan Bradman
Table of Contents
You probably know by now that the right logo can make a massive difference to your business.
But do you know why?
For instance, the right signature color alone can increase your brand awareness by 80%!
Then there’s shape, font, and logotype to consider.
And you’ve got to use ones that suit your brand, market, and audience for your logo to perform at an optimum level. It takes research to achieve the perfect logo, and that’s why so many businesses fall short when designing theirs; they don`t know where to start.
But you can.
All you have to do is learn how to brainstorm the right logo for your business.
And by the time you’ve finished reading this post, you’ll know-how.
Use The Rules Of Brainstorming With Your End Goal In Mind
Brainstorming ideas is the crucial starting point every designer uses when creating a logo.
And there are specific rules to follow; we’ll look at those next.
But before we do, always approach brainstorming with an element of bravery, an open mind, and with your end goal in sight.
Doing so removes any pre-conceived limitations, opens you up to new ideas, and ensures you never stray too far from what you’ve set out to achieve.
But if you don’t yet have any ideas, that’s OK, because the following steps will help you find them:
Don’t hold yourself back
It’s normal to doubt our ideas, but brainstorming is all about allowing yourself to explore alternative possibilities. So, have some self-belief, don’t question what comes, let it flow.
Write every idea down
Once the ideas are flowing, put them on paper. And again, don’t question any at this early stage, because quite often, what you think of at the beginning can, one way or another, play a part in your end design,
Choose your timing
We all perform at our best at different times of the day. For some, the most innovative time is early morning; for others, it’s the last thing at night. There’s no point in trying to force your creative process; instead, choose your timing wisely, then schedule it into your day.
If you get your timing right, you could have your logo design within a couple of days!
Always let your ideas simmer
When you’ve created several design alternatives, walk away and let them simmer. We do this because we often get caught up in the moment and become blind to alternative possibilities. Try giving each design 24 hours, then come back and review; the results often lead to new ideas born from the original.
Get Clear On Your Brand’s Core Values
Your logo is the first visual representation that most viewers will have of your brand, and it has mere milliseconds to engage and convince them that your business is what they’re looking for.
Global corporations pay fast sums of money perfecting their logos because they understand the importance of each design element used and their effect on the viewer’s emotions.
But you don’t have to have a corporate size budget to design a logo that connects and engages at first sight.
When creating your logo, consider your brand’s core values, what you stand for, and why you’re in business. For example, suppose you’re a holiday adventure company. In that case, you’d aim to appeal to your audience’s adventurous side, but if you’re an insurance company, you’ll want to convey a feeling of trust and security.
You can find your core values by creating a persona for your business and then writing down words that best describe it. Another popular approach is to think of a celebrity that best suits your brand’s core values; what are their attributes? Can you use them to find design ideas for your logo?
Think About The Design Elements That Tell Your Brand Story
Once you’ve found your brand’s core values, it’s time to think about any design elements that could tell your story in a way that connects with your target audience’s emotions. And in doing so, giving them a reason to choose your brand.
To help you figure out the logo design elements that tell your brand story, you need to explore business logo ideas.
Start with a design mood board, also known as an inspiration board; it enables you to compile a list of elements that best suit your brand while exploring alternatives and matching them to find a result that tells your story.
Use your mood board to get your creative juices flowing; try different styles, colors, and fonts. Look at competitors in your marketplace and artistic websites, like Pinterest. Once you’ve added several elements to your board, look for any emerging design patterns. You might discover that you’re leaning toward a modern, clean design or a vintage look.
Choose your look and then continue exploring possibilities by adding more elements and identifying what’s connecting with your vision.
Use Your Competitors For Inspiration, Then Do Your Own Thing
It’s always advisable to research your competitors for inspiration, especially those leading your market niche.
Those brands are doing many things right, and odds are their logo is one of them. And big brands have the funds to employ designers who know the best logo design tactics and latest market trends; there’s nothing wrong with using them for inspiration.
But you don’t want to blend in with your competition; you want to be unique and stand out.
You achieve this by taking the design elements, such as color, fonts, and shapes, that your competitors are using for proven reasons and then applying your style, reflecting your brand’s voice and personality.
Step Into Your Audiences Shoes
You should always think like your audience when designing your logo, and the most effective way of doing that is by stepping into their shoes.
OK, not literally, but figuratively speaking.
Start by creating a buyer persona for your target audience, discover their demographics, likes, and dislikes. Any pain points you could use to help form the elements of your logo design.
Next, brainstorm all the qualities you’d look for in a brand.
When you combine your audience’s demographics like age, gender, location, and preference on brand qualities, you’ll uncover design elements that are important and attractive to them.
Harness The Power Of Subliminal Messaging
You should also look for opportunities for subliminal messaging.
In case you’re unsure of what that is, designers use the negative space (also called white space) to create messages within logos. It’s a very creative way of transferring a message to your audience without being obvious about it and for making them think a certain way without knowing why.
Some excellent subliminal messaging examples are Amazon’s logo, the dash that resembles a smile, implying you’ll be happy because of their service. And the arrow between the E and x in the FedEx logo, portraying motion and direction, ideal for a delivery company.
Now you know the importance of brainstorming and the rules, you can design a high-performing logo.
Remember, don’t hold back, be true to your core values, and design with your audience in mind.
And by the time you’re finished, you’ll have the perfect logo for your business.
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- Guest Blogger & Outreach Expert - Interested in Writing Blogs, Articles in Business Niche | News Journalist By Profession in the United Kingdom
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