Meta Description – Are still a ranking factor in SEO?

Well, When it comes to SEO there are many core factors which remains the same even though there are multiple updates rolled out every day by Google. Meta Descriptio is one such factor which remains ass the core factor in the On- Page SEO.
Here let’s see about the importance of the meta description and its importance.
When it comes to writing meta descriptions think less about SEO and more about the Click Through Rates (CTR). Meta descriptions are the small snippets which are displayed on the SERP below the site links.
These small descriptions should be in a way that it should make the users click on the link and visit the website. Descriptions should be catchy and should contain the target keywords in it.
Having the crispy meta description will help you to increase the Click Through Rate (CTR) of the website. This will help you to gain more traffic from the Google SERP.
Do’s & Don’ts while writing the meta description:
Make sure you write the unique description for the post or the web page that you are going to publish. Don’t copy the content and directly paste in the meta description section.
Try to embed the target keywords in the meta description section, but make sure that you don’t stuff the keywords.
Write a crispy short description without exceeding the character limit of 160.
Try to have a call to action like phone number, mail id or something else in the meta description.
Avoid writing the irrelevant meta descriptions to the content present in the web page, as this will lead to an increase in the bounce rate of the website.
Don’t overdo the meta description by stuffing the target keywords or by updating with the irrelevant content.
These are some of the tips for you to write a good pleasing meta description which will look positive for both users and the search engines.
Updating the crispy SEO friendly descriptions will help you to improve the ranks of your website on the Google SERP.
To learn more about SEO & explore more skills. Have a look at the SEO Training course by the #1 SEO Consultant in London, Fernando Raymond –
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.