How to improve the CTR of your website on Google SERP?

Well, your website may rank on top three search results on the Google SERP for the main business terms But have you wondered why you don’t get any traffic to your website. Low Click Through Rate (CTR) may be the primary reason for that. Here are some tips for you to increase the CTR of your website on Google SERP.
Provide Additional Information on SERP:
Usually, Google displays ten organic search results for all the search queries, If the search query is more common, then you may get the knowledge panel or featured snippet results in addition to this.
In Google SERP if your website contains some more extra information than the normal links, then there will be more chances of users clicking on the link of your website on SERP.
Schema Markup Implementation:
Schema markup implementation on your website will help the Google to fetch some additional information on your website that you have provided. This extra information will also be displayed on Google SERP.
For example, Review Schema Markup Implementation will help you to show review stars on the Google SERP for your website link. Also, this will increase the CTR by making the more people to click the link of your website on the Google SERP.
How Will Review Schema Increase the CTR?
Consider your website ranks on number 3 for the potential search term. If your link displays some review stars on the SERP which the top 2 ranking sites doesn’t show, then your website will have more CTR when compared to the top ranking websites.
Even though your website is not ranking #1 for the potential search terms, Having review schema implemented on the website will help you get more traffic even it ranks at 3 or 4 for the potential search terms.
We at ClickDo implement review schema markup for the business websites in the UK and help the business owners to get more traffic for their website from the Google Search.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.