What Google Says About The August Core Algorithm Update?

Many are wondering about the freaky funky Update that has been rolled out by Google recently since August 1st, 2018. This core update has affected many websites. Some sites were nowhere in the SERP but suddenly moved to the top 3 and some websites which were ranking on top of the SERP were dropped dramatically.
This was the biggest Google algorithm update for over a year. Many business websites were affected and moved from their ranks.
However, Google doesn’t reveal any reasons for the update, Google has only announced that the core algorithm update is a very extensive one with lots of fluctuations occuring two to three times per year.
More than that, Google doesn’t give any valid explanations or reasons for the rank drop of some of the top ranking websites. Some SEO bloggers and experts speculate that it’s all about the content and that Google focus on validated and useful information.
What does the Google Core Algorithm Update actually mean?
Google creates tons of minor updates every year but the core update comes in big waves only two to three times annually.
Google undertakes a lot of research and makes at least one change in its core algorithm per day.
These small changes may not noticably affect the websites, but the core updates will do so.
Core updates of Google will actually make changes in valuing the different kinds of ranking signals.
Not many, but some sites may be affected by this when their ranking factor depends upon very few signals. However, it can’t be claimed that this is the reason for the rank drops unless Google confirms this.
How to bring the lost ranks back?
Unless Google reveals a few reasons about the update, you should not try any weird and unreasonalbe things on your website.
Google may work on many things once the update is rolled out, you can see the fluctuations in the ranks even after a few days of the update being rolled out.
Usually, Google doesn’t give any static reason behind the rank drops.
Mostly Google pays more attention to the content presented on the website, hence its important for all the site owners to work on the content and make it more useful for their readers and visitors.
Was your website affected by the August 1st Google core algorithm update?
If yes, just follow Google’s quality guidelines to bring the ranks back.
Do not give up on SEO if you want your ranks back and enjoy the ranks that give you leads, sales and help you make money from the Google ranks on Google.
You should focus on long tail keywords and add more quality content to your business websites.
At ClickDo we’ve seen many websites drop as well as many moving up.
To be honest we feel there wasn’t anything specifically that we could rectify for the shuffles. Some of the client websites we just started working on bounced to the first page with very little backlinks and work being done. So we think this could be that Google tries to give a chance to everyone and make the rankings more transferable.
This morning when I searched for “google core algorithm update I saw this article > Google: August core algorithm update still rolling out
You can read more on Google, but all we can say is have patience and chill for a bit.
In the meantime, you can join the ClickDo online SEO training academy and lean the SEO skills to Rank & Bank.
Author Profile

- I'm an SEO Analyst and blogger outreach expert at ClickDo Ltd. & Expert at Building High Authority Local Citations, Also, I help Business Owners in the UK by flooding more Leads to their Business by ranking their website on top of Google for potential Keywords.
I'm an author and enjoys writing UK business blogs to help promote UK businesses online. You can also contact me for guest posting services as I manage over 100 top UK business websites.