How Citations can help your Business in SERP?

By Logesh Kumar
Citations are now changing the way how people build trust towards their business website in 2018. In the recent study that we have made with our clients at ClickDo, we have found that the business with quality citations tends to perform well on Google than the other sites.
On the view of Google, more quality citations that a business has on the Internet, then more the business is trustable and offers the best services. Citations are the ones which will help the Google to better understand about your business and display more info about your business on the SERP.
How Citations Helps Your Business?
Citations will help you to represent your business in many places on the web with the NAP information (Name, Address & Phone Number). Even many citations will help you to add more data about your business like Videos, Images, Social Media Profile links, etc.
Adding the basic information around the Internet on Various websites will make the users trust your business more. Also, this will gradually increase the traffic that you recieve organically.
What do we offer at ClickDo?
We at ClickDo help the business owners in London to get their companies listed on the high-quality business directories around the web. This will also help the business websites to climb up on SERP organically.
The Citations that are built by the ClickDo team will have more additional information about the business like Videos, Images, Testimonials, Social Profile Links, etc. This will build authority for your brand online.
Below is the sample of the citation that we built for our lovely client “Quick Wasters”.
If you need quality citations for your business, feel free to contact us at Our expert team will work in building high-quality citations for your business website.
Author Profile

- Logesh Kumar, Senior SEO Consultant at ClickDo Ltd. Get connected on Google+.
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