What are best SEO Plugins For Your WordPress Blogs

Best SEO Plugins For Your WordPress Blogs
Today I will tell you guys about the Best SEO Plugins for Your WordPress Blogs! Search engine brings a lot of new visitors to a website; therefore, web masters often try to improve and enhance their On-Page SEO by using plugins and in this article, we will share the best SEO plugins that WordPress can produce. These consist upon the following
SEO by Yoast – This is considered and acknowledged as one of the best SEO plugins for your WordPress Blogs due to the very factor that it’s fulfils all on-page SEO requirements for a webmaster. This plugin also receives regular updates, which it’s always integrating effectively and efficiently in WordPress
Rel No Follow CheckBox –This is when a web master links to an external web site they’re passing some of their “link juice” or better known as site’s authority to that webpage. Using this plugin enables users to add no follow attitude which tells Google Bots to keep link juice to your website.
W3 Total Cache – WordPress Super Cache or better known as W3 Total Cache allows user to compress their code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript and so on) to improve and enhance the site’s overall performance. It dramatically improves search engine page ranking, due to website being quicker to load which is one of key algorithm factors Google is looking out for.
Google XML sitemaps – Google XML sitemap is effective and efficient for web masters due to the fact that when users construct a new content, it will automatically ping to popular Search Engines, such as Google,Yahoo, Bring and so on, so that search engines know to crawl your website and index it. It’s considered and acknowledged as one of the best plugins to use for creating sitemaps for your website.
VaultPress – VaultPress is an amazing plugin to include because it allows you to have a backup of your blog located securely off-site, however to use this plugin, it’ll require a monthly subscription of five dollars but it’s completely worth it!
Author Profile

- I'm the CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and SeekaHost UK - I help the business grow online with latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. You can find my guest blogs on the UK business Blog as well as on our my guest blogs on the UK Tech Blog
. More details about me can be found on this page.
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