Easy Content For Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Easy content for your social media marketing strategy

First off before you begin your social media marketing you want to make sure you have created your social properties.

This includes Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and Pinterest.

You also want to create your Web 2.0 profiles.

This includes Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, and Weebly.

Easy content for your social media marketing strategyMake them look nice and then you are ready to start sending content to these branded properties.

Social Media Marketing Strategy

So now you have created your social profiles like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin – how do you get good content to post on them on a regular basis?

Well, there is a simple answer which is to use Buffer and Quuu.

They work together, sign up for both and link them together which can be easily done with a few clicks.

Then go on Quuu and simply type in your business niche.

get social media content on quuu


What this will do is find great posts that will automatically be sent to your social media profiles up to 6 times per day.

Job done – you now have daily posts going to your social media profiles.

This is the foundation of your social media marketing strategy because you will have good relevant content being sent to your social media profiles every day.

This means if a customer was to look on your social media profiles, they will see an active profile.

A lot of businesses make the mistake of only posting self promotional social media posts.

When a customer goes to their social media page and all they see is promotional posts, it doesn’t look good.

But if they see you post all this interesting content and you have maybe 1 out of 10 posts that are promotional, then this will make a better impression.

By sending content to your social media it will help power them up, and over time your website will get powered up too.

More Content For Social Media Marketing

The second part to this is you want to send your blog posts out to your social profiles like Facebook and your Web 2.0’s like Tumblr and Weebly

First of all, to find great topics to blog about, you can type in Google “your niche” blog. Then look through their blogs and find good articles that you can create a similar type of article.

find blog topics to write about to send to social media and web 2.0s.

Or you can go to Buzzsumo and type in your niche, then find good blogs that have received likes, shares, and links. Then again take influence from it and create your own version.

find good topics to write about for your blog


Once you have created your blog (but before you post it to your website) you want to set up your blogs to be sent out to your social media and Web 2.0 properties.

You do this by signing up for IFTTT and typing in RSS to (insert social / Web 2.0 property).

send blog posts to social media and web 2.0s


To get your RSS feed URL that you need to put in, you simply put in this https://www.yourwebsite.co.uk/feed/

add your blog feed to IFTTT so it can be sent out to social media and web 2.0 properties


You want to do this for all your social and Web 2.0 websites.

Once you are done you can post your latest blog and it will be sent out to your branded properties across the internet.

Now you have content that is automatically sent out to all your social and Web 2.0 websites whenever you create a new blog post.

This will build your brand across the internet and over time help you rank higher in Google.

This content is the foundation of any good social media marketing strategy.

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Author Profile

Matt Henry
I take care of ClickDo Ltd. SEO Clients - I help businesses grow online with the latest SEO services & digital marketing strategies. Personally, I like to work with a small number of clients and focus intensely on those projects. This allows me to have the time to constantly be keeping up with the latest trends in Google.
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